Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stimulus - Adversity

'Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.' – William Arthur Ward

At first, we when I read this quote, I thought about all the successful people who pushed themselves unimaginably far to break such records. [Can I be like them? Maybe~]

Then after it sank in, I realised the clever use of the word ‘break’. [Oh! So smart! Oh, I’m so slow…]

For most, the word may reflect a negative feeling due to its use as a verb. For some, it might mean a lunchbreak at work. For others, they may use it differently, like Sir William here, to change the word and put it on its end.

One word, so many perspectives . . . which leads me to look at my life in a different light.

This year has been a long and short one for me.

Long, because of depression.

Hitting rock bottom wasn’t a great place to be, but at least I knew it was solid ground. Fear was such a huge factor for me though. The wall went so high; it cast a shadow over my common sense and ability to reach out. It took me a lengthy time, a surprise visit from a brother, as well as a kick to the shins to get me back. [You know who you are b*tch, but thanks again]

Short, because of the time left in this ending year of 2011.

From all the adversities I have faced and currently battling, I have being looking at it all from various angles. Searching for positive lessons I’ve missed and opportunities to fix/create new pathways with.

One day, a friend gave me a generous insight and a valuable reflection, which I’m greatly appreciative of.

‘Of all things, when things are going well, life just decides to throw a curveball at you. The way you take it, makes all the difference.

Something along the lines of that.
Words like these mean so much, when one, has been through such staggering hardships. The final outcome might not be expected or desired at first, but the experience of using those hardships as stepping stones to move in a forward direction is always a plus.

However, it is the first step, which might seem the most difficult. Then, maintaining that course of taking the following steps, through the foggy distance, may deter one’s clear view of the destination.

Another friend gifted me a word. 

- Consistency -

Perseverance, pace and potential may be the things that you need, set and unlock, but maintaining them, at a consistent rate, is the biggest challenge.

A sense of direction and drive helps too. A lot.

Easier said than done, like most say. Well, keep saying that will get you nowhere, my friend.

An inspiring blog by Dawn Lennon said: 

We own our adversity. No blaming. No excuses. No hiding. Even when our problems are touched off by other people or situations, it’s still up to us to fix them. Our life is our business and a failed life is unacceptable.’ 

You know it, I know it.

I will leave you, with a final quote.

Adversity is a stimulus. – James Broughton

What will you do with it?

So blessed~
