Sunday, August 22, 2010


"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend." - Bruce Lee

I, for one, am far from it, yet I can blank out and completely forget what I was just saying iRL conversations.

Insomnia, sooner or later, will turn you into a walking goldfish who got lost outside it's bowl.

And then jump from one topic to another, because you forgot the other.


Freely flowing fluid, fitting and forming into any shape, fluctuating waves of peaks and troughs, yet it can be calm, clear, constant and composed when peace has been found.


Blue or murky? White or clear?


It surrounds more than two thirds of this earth's surface and is filled with so much pollution, we can't drink it.


It'd fill your stomach like any other liquid would, but since it has too much "salt" and other "impurities", one would have to "urinate" more "water" than you "drank".

We still need the salt, but not the impurities.

Take care of your "salt" intake in your diet, monitor your levels.

Keep hydrated peoples~

Enough said


Swimming through it all


Ps. Don't "drink" too much~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dreaming of me not you


"A dream has power to poison sleep."  ~Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Mutability"

Choose your poison I ask you or have you already?

What is yours?

The "white knight in shining armor" or the "beautiful Rapunzel in the unreachable tower" or is it a nightmare of your most terrifying fears eating into your self-esteem and confidence to take on life?

I don't get it.

You don't get it.

Some dreams, repeat themselves, every night, some just come and go, as they might, and some are remembered, whereas most are forgotten. 

"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting. -Tinkerbell"

That moment . . . priceless. Just lying there immersed in the feelings of attraction, thoughts of lust, drawing to desires and whatnot. The magnetic pull of love is amazing isn't it? 

But for some reason, when you stand up, it's south pole again.

Or is it? 

That memory . . . oh fuck. Here I go again~ lying there wishing for the "one" you lost to come back. Despondency, desolate, dejection . . . depression. De fails. The double edge sword of love is dangerously damaging isn't it?

So is the aggrandizement of more than an ample amount of alliteration ~ XD

Or is it?

That fear . . . *screams*. Running away from the terror that scares you the most. For some reason it never seems to escape you, or you never seem to escape it. All you seem to do is try and try to flee. And why is that you wonder that it never goes away?

Cause you never resolved your internal conflicts.

Everyone of us, are at various points in our lives, living in diverse conditions, dealing with numerous situations, striving for that something more.

What is your “more”?

This is where we all split.

Career? Partner? Dream?

I ask you again.

What is your “more”?

This is what we all are missing.

If you don’t know what that is, how can you set forth in the direction of your ultimate goal in life?

No matter how many times you renew your lives, reconsider your priorities, if you don’t have that dream, you’ll always be stuck where you are.

But if you like were you are right now and there’s not much to complain about, forget about what I said.

Stay there.

Just don’t hold us back with your senseless and repetitive activities that you try to rope us into.

I think that’s enough said.

I’ll leave you guys with my final quote~

"Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop caring. So, dream, hope and love ...."

I already have my poison.

What’s yours?



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Priorities . . . 1, 2, 3~

Before I start my second blog, hence defying my first priority at this moment, which is completing this blog~ I'd like to thank someone for being that "someone".

It's been a while since I chuckled like "that" in the middle of the night. Especially, to one's self in a way that would make a random on the bus look at you like you're some perverted pedo. Luckily, I'm hidden away in the confines of my study at home, typing away into bleak hours of the morning again.

Which brings me back to the topic of priorities. It's amusing isn't it? The things we try to get done, fall behind due to accusations. Or in other words blame. Blame addictions, blame distractions, blame procrastination. It's all a game to you apparently. Sort of like tekken.

I punch you, you punch me and then we can live together happily . . .  bruised. I can see so many topics that can follow that sentence but I'll just have to focus. Focus. A keyword in prioritizing life. Which is what I've been trying to do, on and off for the past 6 months, no a year, no, it's an ongoing thing. A life thing.

Some people set up their lives really well, it's not that they don't think much, it's more like they know what's important, or they've been brought up by responsible and strict parents. Then you have people who fail and over-think, but that's just them trying to blame things again. Sort of like me.

Amusing really, now that I come to it. I did it well for changing my eating/sleeping habits once this year. Lost 13 kgs and saw my core for the first time in my life. Then stress eating and life situations arose and I sadly bid farewell to my barely visible abs. And there I am again blaming life.

Let me drift away again, for a moment. I was tweaking my resume just then, again priorities, finding a job, since I deferred uni. Drifting away. It's a thing we tend to do a lot. Again, a hundreds topics to digress to. Why is it, that we drift? Isn't the task at hand important enough to warrant a time-span of attention, long enough to complete it? What is so hard about it that stops us from going further?

It really depends on the situation really. It depends on you not me. Or maybe it does. Once you figured that out, that's where you can start working up from. Upon realising what is stopping you, stop what is stopping you and move forward to what was originally was planned.

Sounds so easy doesn't it? Yet we come back to the same thing again & again and yes I'm going to quote 2PM songs in the odd hours of the AM. I think we underestimate the size of task sometimes. We tend to think it is "easy" enough to complete, but when we actually read into the assignment, we realise that it wasn't as simple as we thought.

Speed bumps, hindrances, obstacles always in our way. But, there weren't so many in the first place, when we first scouted the scene and now, there are millions? Why didn't we deal with it at the start? And the cycle begins again. Procrastination.

I'm sure you guys are getting tedious of this but what you should be asking yourself is. . .

Why am I reading this?

I'm sure you guys have more than enough experience and knowledge as to what progresses from here~

Don't stop, can't stop ~ must stop?

Haha, you guys . . .

Love My Life (LML)


Monday, August 9, 2010


Usually one, who is normal, would be sleeping in after a lazy Sunday, into a unforgiving Monday wake up to a new week. However, I is full of nonsensical chatter and blabber. I'm not normal.

I don't think many people were ever was. Everyone has their own story, but not everyone wants to listen to it. Given the right time, mood, and numerous of other self-centered conditions, someone might listen, but if it didn't concern them or reflected a part of them in anyway, they couldn't care less.

Another thing that most people couldn't care less could probably be whether the weather forecast reporter had a story. Just another guy telling you figures and conditions that were only true half the time. How are these two things related?

I don't know, you figure it out. I'm just sifting though my thoughts at random.

Back to "not" sleeping in, more like not sleeping at all, and absentmindedly noticing the night turning into day, I feel . . . fatigued. In all three ways. Physically, mentally and emotionally. The cliché scene of grey clouds drifting along a dull sky, moved by the chilling winds unrelentingly pushing past the lethargic forms of evaporative moisture, bore me. 

What doesn't . . . is the sun. 

Everyday, this dying star of our seemingly minute milky way, in this expansive universe that we all live in, rises. The same old sun that we see everyday; warm, hot, fuzzy, burning, tanning - bright, shiny, blinding, overwhelming pops up from the horizon.

A new day, a new beginning etc etc. Many of us say these things, following tragic accidents, after break-ups, poor marks in studies or failed exercise regimes, . Regardless of the incident, does one ever realise, what they mean?

A new beginning? To begin what? Did something end? What was it? Did it end properly? Did it end well?

A new day? How does an part-time insomniac like me realise when a new day starts? When the clock strikes 12:00am? Or when the sun rises? Everything seems to fade into each other in these few weeks of the busy life of mine. I know what I'm doing and I know why I'm sitting here now, not sleeping. Nevertheless, I choose to not fall onto my bed to incur a much needed deep slumber, uninterrupted by dreams or facebook.

Why? Memories? Yes. Is there something wrong with my room? Messy. Is your bed comfortable? Yes, but it   just reminds me . . . 
The train of thoughts that drift to and from revolve more or less there and then onto a million other things. Sleeping pills? No. I do not want to take drugs. I just want to stop thinking for once. I miss those mornings that I could wake up to, feeling refreshed, thoughtless and clear-minded. 

No, not anymore, I wake up, with a cup of tea, to sustain my body of deprived of sleep, and browse facebook for status updates and play pool on OMGPOP to pass time. Time that I shouldn't be wasting, but I continue to do. This state of mind, has been coming around too often these days. I thought it was a monthly thing for me. =3

All the time I say change, change change. They happen everyday. Just one step at the time. Yet, I come back to this same odd hours of the morning, grinding the same trivial topic that interrelates through the other philosophical life attributes that you know I "love" to "think" about. A new start from the change of the old ways. Did you get rid of your old ways? Or do they just come back? Habits are a pest. But is the sun a pest too?

Topic jumps seem to be of the now, since my mind has not rested the required 8 hours, but seriously, the sun.
It's the unchanged fiery ball of light that glows onto us everyday. The constant solar power, UV rays and even the same path it traverses.

On the contrary, we take a sun when it rises, as a new day, a new beginning, a new sun. 

Why do we say these things? When obviously, the sun is still the same, and you obviously haven't grown 10 inches overnight~ =3

We say these things cause . . . 

Why do you think we say these things?

To make ourselves, set forth again? To make ourselves feel better of our past? To really change for the better?

I ask you again.

Why do you think we say these things?