Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dreaming of me not you


"A dream has power to poison sleep."  ~Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Mutability"

Choose your poison I ask you or have you already?

What is yours?

The "white knight in shining armor" or the "beautiful Rapunzel in the unreachable tower" or is it a nightmare of your most terrifying fears eating into your self-esteem and confidence to take on life?

I don't get it.

You don't get it.

Some dreams, repeat themselves, every night, some just come and go, as they might, and some are remembered, whereas most are forgotten. 

"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting. -Tinkerbell"

That moment . . . priceless. Just lying there immersed in the feelings of attraction, thoughts of lust, drawing to desires and whatnot. The magnetic pull of love is amazing isn't it? 

But for some reason, when you stand up, it's south pole again.

Or is it? 

That memory . . . oh fuck. Here I go again~ lying there wishing for the "one" you lost to come back. Despondency, desolate, dejection . . . depression. De fails. The double edge sword of love is dangerously damaging isn't it?

So is the aggrandizement of more than an ample amount of alliteration ~ XD

Or is it?

That fear . . . *screams*. Running away from the terror that scares you the most. For some reason it never seems to escape you, or you never seem to escape it. All you seem to do is try and try to flee. And why is that you wonder that it never goes away?

Cause you never resolved your internal conflicts.

Everyone of us, are at various points in our lives, living in diverse conditions, dealing with numerous situations, striving for that something more.

What is your “more”?

This is where we all split.

Career? Partner? Dream?

I ask you again.

What is your “more”?

This is what we all are missing.

If you don’t know what that is, how can you set forth in the direction of your ultimate goal in life?

No matter how many times you renew your lives, reconsider your priorities, if you don’t have that dream, you’ll always be stuck where you are.

But if you like were you are right now and there’s not much to complain about, forget about what I said.

Stay there.

Just don’t hold us back with your senseless and repetitive activities that you try to rope us into.

I think that’s enough said.

I’ll leave you guys with my final quote~

"Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop caring. So, dream, hope and love ...."

I already have my poison.

What’s yours?



1 comment:

  1. I really like the content of this one!!! It just gets a little confusing XD hahahaha
    Awesome collection of thoughts :)
