Before I start my second blog, hence defying my first priority at this moment, which is completing this blog~ I'd like to thank someone for being that "someone".
It's been a while since I chuckled like "that" in the middle of the night. Especially, to one's self in a way that would make a random on the bus look at you like you're some perverted pedo. Luckily, I'm hidden away in the confines of my study at home, typing away into bleak hours of the morning again.
Which brings me back to the topic of priorities. It's amusing isn't it? The things we try to get done, fall behind due to accusations. Or in other words blame. Blame addictions, blame distractions, blame procrastination. It's all a game to you apparently. Sort of like tekken.
I punch you, you punch me and then we can live together happily . . . bruised. I can see so many topics that can follow that sentence but I'll just have to focus. Focus. A keyword in prioritizing life. Which is what I've been trying to do, on and off for the past 6 months, no a year, no, it's an ongoing thing. A life thing.
Some people set up their lives really well, it's not that they don't think much, it's more like they know what's important, or they've been brought up by responsible and strict parents. Then you have people who fail and over-think, but that's just them trying to blame things again. Sort of like me.
Amusing really, now that I come to it. I did it well for changing my eating/sleeping habits once this year. Lost 13 kgs and saw my core for the first time in my life. Then stress eating and life situations arose and I sadly bid farewell to my barely visible abs. And there I am again blaming life.
Let me drift away again, for a moment. I was tweaking my resume just then, again priorities, finding a job, since I deferred uni. Drifting away. It's a thing we tend to do a lot. Again, a hundreds topics to digress to. Why is it, that we drift? Isn't the task at hand important enough to warrant a time-span of attention, long enough to complete it? What is so hard about it that stops us from going further?
It really depends on the situation really. It depends on you not me. Or maybe it does. Once you figured that out, that's where you can start working up from. Upon realising what is stopping you, stop what is stopping you and move forward to what was originally was planned.
Sounds so easy doesn't it? Yet we come back to the same thing again & again and yes I'm going to quote 2PM songs in the odd hours of the AM. I think we underestimate the size of task sometimes. We tend to think it is "easy" enough to complete, but when we actually read into the assignment, we realise that it wasn't as simple as we thought.
Speed bumps, hindrances, obstacles always in our way. But, there weren't so many in the first place, when we first scouted the scene and now, there are millions? Why didn't we deal with it at the start? And the cycle begins again. Procrastination.
I'm sure you guys are getting tedious of this but what you should be asking yourself is. . .
Why am I reading this?
I'm sure you guys have more than enough experience and knowledge as to what progresses from here~
Don't stop, can't stop ~ must stop?
Haha, you guys . . .
Love My Life (LML)
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